If you have any questions, contact hdoherty@phumc.com or call 501-664-3600.
Just a few reminders about our league.
- All games are at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in the Great Hall.
- This is a youth basketball league: 7th-12th grade.
- Our coaches’ meeting will be the first week of November. It is mandatory that at least one adult coach attend this meeting. Coaches must be an adult over the age of 18 and out of high school.
- Games will begin on Tuesday, January 7th and the tournament will conclude on Thursday night, March 20.
- Games will occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The weekday for which division will play each night has not been determined yet. This will be decided based on enrollment and communicated before the start of the season. Teams will have approximately one game a week.
- This league is for students who are not playing AAA-sanctioned interscholastic basketball for their school.
- A full list of rules can be found here.
- Questions? Contact Heather Doherty at hdoherty@phumc.com or call 501-664-3600.