Cancer Friends Ministries

  • Cancer Friends provides hope, encouragement and spiritual nourishment to cancer patients, survivors and care partners. We pray for you, we listen to you, and we match you with your own individual support person called an encourager. We invite you to become a part of Cancer Friends, as someone who uses our services or a volunteer

    Blessings, Your Cancer Friends Leadership Team

    Give to Cancer Friends Contact Cancer Friends


Our services are ALWAYS free of charge. We recognize that everyone’s cancer journey is unique.  We tailor support based on your needs. You need not be a member of Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church to receive support

What We Offer

  • Regular Prayer Your name included on a continuously updated list where many are praying for all those who wish to be prayed for
  • 1 on 1 interaction on a mutually agreed schedule with an assigned Encourager who understands.  Any or all of the following interactions are available to you
    • Phone calls
    • Emails
    • Texts
    • Conversations (phone or in person)
    • 1 on 1 prayer
  • Monthly Support Group Zoom MeetingSupport Group meetings are focused on the unique challenges cancer patients, survivors and care partners face.  Participants and supporters interact with each other as desired.
  • Quarterly luncheon with a short program focusing on topics of interest that serve the cancer community. A time for Cancer Friends to get together to care and share.
  • Monthly greeting cards are sent from the Cancer Friends Card Ministry to all on the Prayer list.  This is in addition to cards/correspondence from their Encourager.
  • Other ad hoc support as needed, such as a monthly food package for those facing both cancer and food insecurity or transportation to treatments, advocacy, etc.

Donate to Cancer Friends.

Your donation will help fund Cancer Friends’ caring and sharing mission to spiritually and emotionally support those dealing with cancer – patients, care partners, survivors and family members.


Choosing To Have Joy Is Not Naively Thinking Everything Will Be Easy.  It is Courageously Believing That There is Still hope, Even When Things Are Hard

Morgan Harper Nichols


Volunteers are the heart and legs of Cancer Friends.  Without volunteers, the work to provide encouragement and compassion to help relieve the suffering of cancer patients, survivors and care partners would not occur. 

Our desire is to fully staff Cancer Friends so that its services will be available to anyone who needs or wants them. 

And we need your help. Anyone who has a heart for this work and the willingness to follow through is encouraged to become a Cancer Friend.

Volunteers come from all walks of life. They include former patients, former care partners, family members, social workers, health care providers and researchers, anyone who wants to serve.

Want to get involved?


Your donation will help fund Cancer Friends’ caring and sharing mission to spiritually and emotionally support those dealing with cancer – patients, care partners, survivors and family members.

To donate by check:

Payable to:                          Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church

Memo:                                 Cancer Friends (include memorial or honorarium, if applicable)

Mail or bring to:                4823 Woodlawn Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205


Our Story

Nearly three decades ago, a member of Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, Bobbie Butler, was in the hospital recovering from a mastectomy when a friend came to see her.  The friend was a breast cancer survivor who shared her experience, information, comfort and hope with her very frightened friend.  Bobbie kept this exchange in her heart until several years later, she shared an idea with Fay Jean Royce, to create a similar bond with others who were diagnosed with cancer.  With the encouragement of Rev. Mike Morey and Pastor Emeritus Vic Nixon, Bobbie began pairing newly diagnosed cancer patients with someone who had personal experience with the same type of cancer.  As an outgrowth of these interactions, Cancer Friends was founded in 1994.

Since its beginning, Cancer Friends has maintained a comprehensive list of people who want to be prayed for.  Over nearly 30 years, thousands of people have received support from 100s of volunteers.

Our Services Are Available to Anyone

Cancer Friends, a Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church Caring Ministry, serves anyone dealing with cancer.  

Each patient, survivor or care partner is, with their permission:

  • Added to the PHUMC Cancer Friends prayer list
  • Matched with their own individual encourager/volunteer
  • Invited to participate in monthly Zoom-based support group meeting as well as quarterly luncheons


We support Home for Healing by adopting a family around Christmas and attending the Block Party.

We support UAMS by participating in the Be A Part of the Cure Walk. We also provide food from our Food Pantry once a months to families of patients affected.

We support the Texas 4000 ride for cancer by sponsoring their time riding through Little Rock.

We support Arkansas Children’s Hospital by providing toiletry and hygiene kits for patients who have to stay overnight.

We reach out to area churches offering our services and support to those who might need them.

We reach out to area cancer centers offering our services and support to their patients


PHONE: 501-664-3600