Rev. Kathleen McMurray

Pastor of Modern Worship and Discipleship / Contact Me

Sunday School is from 10:10 AM-10:50PM. We offer nurseries for babies, preschool classes, Rotation Sunday School for children in kindergarten through grade 4, Confirmation preparation Sunday School for grades 5-7, age-level classes for teenagers, and over 15 classes for adults of all ages and stages. For more information on classes, or for help getting plugged into a class, feel free to call or email. I look forward to helping you on your spiritual journey!


Adult Classes

All Things Considered, Room M308 (all ages) | In-Person | Discussion-centered class with a focus on community mission. Singles and couples of all ages are welcome.

Argue, Room C239 (ages 45+, reconciling) | Hybrid | Argue Class, named in honor of beloved pastor Dr. James B. Argue, is a reconciling class welcoming all. Members are generally 60+ but younger members are part of the class, too. Varied programs range from Bible study to social issues utilizing speakers and DVD/discussion formats. This class has a strong interest in missions of the church and in the community while seeking to support and encourage each other in the Christian faith journey.

Beatitudes, Room M318 (ages 30-45+) | Hybrid | The Beatitudes Class is made up of couples ages 30-45+. The class studies a variety of topics and enjoys having guest teachers teach Bible studies.

Cheers, Room M313 (ages 20’s-30’s) | In-Person | A class for young adults that focuses on book study and deep conversations.

Crossroads, Room C236 (all ages) | In-Person | An intergenerational class that features storytelling, devotionals, Bible and book study, speakers, social gatherings and perform mission projects together!

Fathomers, Room C235 (ages 55+) | Hybrid | A multi-faceted group of 55+ married and single people enjoying learning and growing together spiritually and having a lot of fun in the process.

Good Apples, Room M306 (Intergenerational) | In-Person | Focused on social justice and working together to be informed and productive members of the community.

Hampton, Room D369 (ages 30’s-40’s) | In-Person | The Dr. Jeff Hampton Class is made up of couples ages 30’s-40’s with young children. A variety of Christian topics are studied. This group has a marriage retreat every year. They study a variety of topics and participate in missions.

Journey, Room D367, (Singles and couples ages 30-50’s) | In-Person| This class engages in Bible studies, group discussion, and fellowship as well as missions and service projects.

Koinonia Dialogue, Room C135 (ages 55+) | In-Person | The class is all about fellowship and caring for one another as disciples of Christ. Class members are actively involved in teaching the Sunday morning lessons, church mission projects and various other church programs such as UMW, Men Alive, choir, Cancer Friends, Afghan Refugee Ministry, the diaper ministry and the food pantry to name a few. Class social activities, as well as member support, are a huge part of this class’s mission. All are welcome!

Newton Good News, Room M101 (ages 50+) | Hybrid | This class of 50+ married and single people enjoy studying a variety of books by leading Christian authors. The class rotates among five great teachers and enjoys plenty of discussion. The class loves to help and encourage each other whenever needed. Social events are also held during the year. Come join us and find a new church Sunday School home you’ll truly enjoy.!

Pairs and Spares, Room D277 (Ages 30’s-40’s) | In-Person | Pairs and Spares, named after a class from many years ago, this class is made up of married and singles, ages 30’s-40’s and taught by Jimmy Faulkner and Skip Rutherford.

Roundtable, Room M312 (ages 50+) | In-Person | The Roundtable Class is a fun loving group with between 20 and 30 in attendance every week – many are retired, however younger people often attend. We use the videos and study that relate scripture to everyday living. Class discussion is a major part of the lessons. There are five excellent teachers who rotate. Each month there is a “Birthday Supper” at a nice restaurant with a private room. Those whose birthday we celebrate, select the restaurant and the class enjoys a wonderful meal and fellowship.

Tower, Room C237 (ages 40+) | In-Person | The Tower Sunday School Class enjoys weekly lessons, taught by different members of the class, along with the occasional guest lecturer. The class consist of: Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives, Extroverts and Introverts, Singles and Married, Carpoolers and Empty Nesters, and Baby Boomers from 40-ish-60-ish. In depth conversations, interesting discussions, lively debates, probing questions, and entertaining anecdotes are things the class enjoys. Tower hosts several social events each year, including an annual Christmas party and a Cinco de Mayo get together. Family Promise and sponsors of the annual luncheon for graduating seniors are other activities the class supports.

Vine and Branch Class, Room M307 (ages late 20’s-early 40’s) | In-Person | The class is for young parents and couples who are navigating life’s changes together.

Wesley, Room M320 (ages 50+, reconciling) | Zoom | The Wesley Class is a reconciling class made of couples and singles 50 and up who gather together to enhance the spiritual growth of one another. All are welcome to join in discussing, examining, and sharing our relationship with God.

What Matters? Books and Current Events, M309 (All ages) | In-Person | This class studies current issues in society and how they relate to our Christian mission.


Children’s Classes – 501-978-0511

We offer fun and engaging age appropriate experiences for children to learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We have added air-filtration systems to all our children’s classrooms, helping to ensure a healthy environment.

  • Infant/Toddler and Preschool childcare is offered throughout the morning
  • Children’s Sunday School is from 10:10-10:50am
    • Preschool classes meet on the bottom floor of the Norma Story Building.
    • Kindergarten through 4th grade will meet on the top floor of the Norma Story Building


Youth Classes – 501-664-3600

  • MidYouth (5th-7th) meet in the Youth Lounge on Sunday morning and then go to their respective grade-level classes.
  • Youth (8th-12th) meet in the Youth Lounge on Sunday morning and meet for Big Question Club. Big Question Club is a meeting for 8th-12th graders on Sunday mornings to ask and discuss their biggest questions about God.