Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends with Holy Week (the week before Easter). Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon word lencten, meaning “lengthen” and refers to the lengthening days of spring. The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring temptation and preparing to begin his ministry.
Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection. Today, Christians focus on relationship with God, growing as disciples and extending ourselves, often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of ourselves for others.
Pulaski Heights will be exploring who Jesus is through the “I Am” statements in the gospel of John. We are inviting our congregation to read the Gospel of John together, and we’ll have a booklet soon to help you on this journey.
May this Lent bring about a deeper understanding of Jesus’ life for us and for the world and our calling to follow him as disciples.
Special Services & Events
- 7:00 AM – Imposition of Ashes in the Sanctuary (Drop-in)
- 8:00-10:00 AM – Drive-Through Ashes (Upper Parking Deck) in conjunction with the Diaper Bank
- 12:00 PM – Ash Wednesday Worship- Sanctuary – Rev. Katye Chambers preaching.
- 6:00 PM – Ash Wednesday Worship- Sanctuary – Rev. Katye Chambers preaching (Childcare available inside Entrance 4 for this service) – Streaming on Facebook, YouTube, and phumc.com/live.
PALM SUNDAY – April 13th
Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, and remembers Jesus’ Entry into Jerusalem. Children are invited to a parade during the Sunday School hour and to participate in a processional during all worship services!
- 9:00 AM – Palm procession in Classic & Modern Worship – Sanctuary & Wesley Hall
- 10:15AM – Palm Sunday children’s parade – Courtyard
- 11:00AM – Palm procession in Classic & Modern Worship – Sanctuary & Wesley Hall
We Remember Jesus’ Last Meal with His Disciples, the Institution of Holy Communion and the Instruction to Love. The Prayer stations are a time to come and go through stations, Including Communion, that connect us to this remembrance of Jesus.
- 12:00-1:00 PM – Maundy Thursday Service – Wesley Hall – Come-and-Go Prayer Stations
- 7:00 PM – Maundy Thursday Service – Wesley Hall – Streaming on Facebook, YouTube, and phumc.com/live.
- Childcare will be available inside Entrance 4
GOOD FRIDAY – April 18th
Through a Traditional service of Tenebrae (Darkness) with scripture and music, we remember Jesus’ death and Its meaning for our lives
- 12:00 PM – Good Friday Service – Sanctuary
- 7:00 PM – Good Friday Service of Tenebrae (full choir singing) – Sanctuary – Streaming on Facebook, YouTube, and phumc.com/live.
- Childcare will be available inside Entrance 4
EASTER EGG HUNT – April 19th
- 10:30AM – War Memorial Pavilion – Questions, contact Pam Lentz at plentz@phumc.com or 501-664-3600.