Connection Online Portal

Welcome to our Connect Portal! Here you can find information about all of our programming, small groups, and ways to connect with our congregation. Questions? Contact our Pastor of Connecting Ministries, Rev. McMurray at or 501-978-0531! You can fill out the Connect Form at the bottom of this page or by clicking here.

Caring Ministries

  • Cancer FriendsEncouragers, family members, and survivors who pray, support, and fellowship with each other and those affected by cancer.
  • Caring Wheels – Bring homebound folks to appointments, the grocery store, wherever they may need to go.
  • Cards & Notes Ministry – Help write cards to members who may need some encouraging!
  • Grief Ministries – In-person and online support groups for those who has suffered a significant loss and would like to process it in a group setting
  • Helping Hands Respite Care – This is our respite care ministry that meets every Tuesday with clients in respite care who come for low-impact exercise, arts and crafts, devotional, music, food, and fellowship. Volunteers for this ministry must pass a background check.
  • Hospital Ministry – Call members who are recovering following hospitalizations
  • Intercessory Prayer Group – Meet twice a month to pray for our congregation, community, and world!
  • Memory Loss Caregivers Support Group – Meet regularly with other folks who are caregivers for loved ones experiencing memory loss.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry – Knit prayer shawls for individuals who are sick or homebound.
  • Stephen MinistryProvide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
  • Sunday Morning Van Drivers – Pick up and take home members on Sunday mornings so they can come to church and Sunday School!
  • Visitation Ministry – Visit with members of our church community who are homebound or sick!

Hospitality & Worship

  • Acolytes – A way for children to be involved with worship. Acolytes bring the flame of Jesus in for worship! We are in need of acolytes for both Modern and Classic Worship
  • Altar Guild – Prep our worship visuals each Sunday (candles, altar, prep communion, etc.) in both Modern and Classic worship.
  • Audio/Visual Support – Want to operate cameras, run slides, adjust sound? The A/V team is the one for you! We have teams for Modern and Classic worship services!
  • Communion Server – Assist in giving the elements during worship in either Modern or Classic worship!
  • Liturgist – Help lead worship by reading scripture on Sunday mornings!
  • Music Share your gifts on Sunday morning by playing instruments or singing with Classic or Modern worship!
  • Pew Crew – Prepare for Sundays during the week by putting out cards
  • Prayer Labyrinth – Join the Labyrinth Planning Team which plans and coordinates spiritual opportunities using our church’s Labyrinth.
  • Ushers – Ushers pass out bulletins, direct people, and assist as needed in both our Modern and Classic services.

Lifespan Ministries

  • Children’s Ministry – One of the most important ways that we can serve our church is to invest in its future. Through Sunday School, Wednesday Night Ministry, Vacation Bible School and more, you can be a part of this critical work of shaping the next generation of Pulaski Heights UMC. Volunteers must pass a background check.
  • Midyouth (5th-7th Grade)– Our programming for 5th-7th graders on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings as well as special events throughout the year. We are always excited for those who can serve as mentors and helpers for these wonderful young people as they grow into disciples of Jesus Christ. Volunteers must pass a background check.
  • Men’s Ministry – One of our newest ministries, our men’s ministry focuses on helping men in all life stages find their own space in the church.
  • Nursery Greeters – It’s a big deal to entrust precious children to the church nursery. Greeters help to make children and their grownups feel comfortable with the nursery and serve as the first face many parents may see at our church! Volunteers must pass a background check.
  • Primetimers (55+) – Our ministry for seasoned adults that includes meals, movies, fellowship and more!
  • Young Adult Ministries In addition to small group opportunities, throughout the year there are a number of events for Young Adults to get together for meals, activities, and fellowship.
  • Youth (8th-12th Grade) – Our programming for 8th-12th grader includes Bible Study, Service Sunday School, Youth worship and small groups, Mission Trips, and much more! We are always excited to welcome new youth and adults who want to serve as small group leaders, mission trip chaperones, and in other roles where they are safe adults for youth to turn to for support. Volunteers must pass a background check.

Administrative Support

  • Administrative Committees – Help oversee the life church by serving one of our committees: Finance, Staff-Parish Relations, Board of Stewards, Nominating, or Board of Trustees. (Note, there is a nominations process)
  • Weekday Office Support – Help stuff envelopes, and assist our administrative staff in many ways!
  • Weekday Welcome Desk Volunteer – Be the first smiling face people see when they visit our church, answer phones, and help sort mail during the week!

Mission Opportunities

  • Afghan Refugee Family – Our church has sponsored an Afghan refugee family. We are always in need of help with organization, transportation, ESL, and building relationships with our family!
  • Clothes Closet – We collect clothes to distribute to partner organizations to distribute to people in need.
  • Diaper Bank – Our Diaper Bank provides a month’s worth of free diapers on the first Wednesday of every month! We are in need of Spanish interpreters, people to help prep the diapers, and people to help distribute the diapers.
  • Food Pantry – Our Food Pantry gives food to around 140 families per month. We are always in need of volunteers to help prep, distribute (first Wednesday of every month), and be Spanish interpreters!
  • Guatemalan Mission – We have taken many international mission trips in the past. We have strong partnerships in Guatemala that we have used when taking medical and surgical mission trips!
  • Methodist Family Health – A connectional ministry partner, Methodist Family Health cares for Arkansas children who are abandoned, abused, neglected and struggling with psychiatric, behavioral, emotional and spiritual issues.
  • Ozark Mission Project – OMP is a home-repair non-profit that works throughout the state of Arkansas. We send a group of youth there every Summer and are always looking for adults to help. In addition, during the year we complete pop-up projects for people who may not be able to wait for the Summer.
  • Project Transformation – Project Transformation is a Methodist-based organization that promotes childhood literacy in Pine Bluff. We help tutor those children in the Summer and are looking for volunteers!
  • Wakefield Elementary School Partnership – We partner with Wakefield Elementary School in Southeast Little Rock by providing school supplies, books, tutoring, and Christmas Gifts. In addition, we strive to give “teacher appreciation gifts” and tutor students!

Small Group Opportunities

  • Book/Bible Studies – We have a variety of book and Bible studies that happen throughout the week and year. We can find one that fits your schedule the best.
  • Sunday SchoolSunday School groups meet during the 10am hour on Sunday Mornings in various rooms at the church. These groups are supportive of one another but also have a learning component to them, whether it be bible or book study or a topical discussion.
  • Table For One (Singles, 35-70, Small Group) – We meet on Tuesday evenings, 5:30-6:30. At the moment we analyze the weekly sermons. We are open to watching DVDs to discuss particular topics. We participate in community and church activities, including social activities. Contact Laurie Laing at 501-316-9738.
  • Wednesday Night Small Groups/Classes – During the schoolyear, on Wednesday nights, our church will have a meal we share together followed by groups for all ages. Pastors will lead studies, church members may lead classes, and there will be an opportunity for just being with others to talk about life and faith and offer each other support and accountability.
  • United Women of Faith (Formerly UMW) – Formerly called United Methodist Women (UMW), United Women in Faith is an organization for and by Methodist women who wish to make a difference in justice and compassion for women and children. There are three of these groups that meet at various times at PHUMC.
  • Young Adult Small Groups – We currently have two Young Adult Small groups that meet on Mondays at 6:00pm. One for ages 27-40 led by Rev. Kathleen McMurray and one for ages 18-26 led by Rev. Jay and Karen Clark. For more information on these specific small groups, go to