Wakefield Elementary School
In our call to Inspire Love, Embrace Christ, and Engage the World, we have developed a strong partnership with Wakefield Elementary School!
Here are opportunities for you to serve Wakefield Elementary School. Contact us at phumc@phumc.com if interested in finding out how to get involved with Wakefield Elementary!
- Back to School — Donate money so we can purchase school supplies, backpacks, and uniforms for nearly 400 children. To donate, fill out the form below or mail a check made out to PHUMC with Give a Kid a Chance or Wakefield School Supplies in the memo line. Contact—Rev. Katye Chambers, kchambers@phumc.com or 501-664-3600.
- Tutoring — Tutors assist students with reading and homework once a week! Tutors can be assigned on their chosen day and time period. Tutors can also choose the grade level of students that best suits them.. Contact—Judy Goss, judyanngoss@sbcglobal.net or Janet Stewart, janetstewart94@gmail.com.
- Food Pantry — More than 99% of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunches; hunger is a real problem. Help bag food and/or deliver to the school. Contact—Jamie Goss Dempsey, jamiegossdempsey@gmail.com
- Teacher Appreciation — We provide teachers with lunch, snacks, and other gifts throughout the year to remind them that they are supported and appreciated. Contact—Rev. Katye Chambers, kchambers@phumc.com or 501-664-3600.@phumc.com or 501-664-3600.
- Christmas — Sponsor one of 300 children for Christmas. We provide these children Christmas gifts! Contact— Nancy Delacerda, ndelacerda@comcast.net